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Bas les masques !
Equinoxe m'ayant contaminé, il est temps de lever le voile sur l'identité des NINJA de ce forum !
[Image: 1070346856_ninjaquiz-batman.jpg]
You are Batman. Midnight is your noon. You sweep from the rooftops, bringing your brand of vigilante justice to the dark city streets. Unfortunately, you're not quite a ninja. Sorry.

Encore mieux qu'un ninja ! 8)
[Image: 1070347267_ninjaquiz-ninja.jpg]

"You are ninja. Sign up at immediately."

Hum :roll: .
premier essai, un peu au pif:
[Image: 1070347695_ninjaquiz-mib.jpg]

Quote:You are not a Man in Black. You do not work for the CIA. You do not exist. You do not move outside the realm of normal society. This quiz does not exist. Nothing to see here. Move along please.

second essai avec plus de réflexion et de compréhension des questions:

[Image: 1070347267_ninjaquiz-ninja.jpg]

Quote:"You are ninja. Sign up at immediately."
[Image: 1070347323_ninjaquiz-samurai.jpg]

Quote:You are a samurai. Your rigid adherence to a code of honor means you would never allow yourself to be sneaky when necessary, and as such you are not fit to be a ninja. Commit seppuku immediately for dishonoring yourself by taking this quiz.
[Image: 1070350796_ninjaquiz-goth.jpg]

Sorry, but you are a goth, not a ninja. Have a cup of hot chocolate and cheer up. You've got the look down -- just practice your swordplay and try again.

Hum hum... qui l'eut crut? :roll:
Quote:Congratulations! You are a ninja.

Il ne me reste plus qu'à me trouver un pyjama noir
Inata est un Ninja...
Mhh, ouais si on veut.
Administrateur Forum et BDD (et un peu angélique aussi).
Ninja aussi ! Facile, en répondant de manière "roleplay" aux questions Smile
[Image: 1070350770_ninjaquiz-darth.jpg]

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