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Les dernières nouveautés de chez Apple
[Image: popeemperor80ik2.gif]
Les Prix IG Nobel:

J'apprécie particulièrement celui distribué pour la Paix.... :lol:
L'invasion des chevreuils Big Grin :
Football !!
Bon .. J'ai envie de vous faire partager un petit moment de joie sur un chanteur que je trouve extraordinaire ..
Damien Jean est auteur/compositeur/parolier/artificier et c'est un plaisir a voir ..
La carrière de ce grand artiste a commencé avec son énorme tube: "Pression artérielle".

Voyant le succès de ce clip, Damien continue avec un autre tube "C'est mon rêve"

Le succès ne lui monte cependant pas à la tête .. et c'est un troisième tube qui vient confirmer le talent de cet auteur/compositeur/producteur/artificier. "Tu disparais"

Devant la passion de ces fans, Damien nous a même concocté un petit teaser de son prochain succès.

Et deux petites interviews désormais culte du monsieur .
La première.
La seconde.
Ah ouais quand même !
Un allemand qui fait des trucs plutôt pas mal => Kessler Knigge.
Encore un test à la con pour ceux qui se font chier en ce moment ...
Quote:You scored 150 Adaptability, 270 Humor, 220 Integrity and 190 Activity!

I sit on the damn iron seat when I must. Does that mean I don't have the hungers as other men?

Your are Robert Baratheon.

While you are not afraid to take on serious responsibilites, the fact remains that you'd rather not. Who wants to worry his or her life away when there's food to be eaten, alcohol to drink, and people to have fun with (and in so many ways, too)? You like to have as much fun as possible, regardless of the consequences. Though you're generally high-spirited, you are prone to react to bad situations with anger. You are lazy, confident, and jovial.
Quote:Daenerys Targaryen

You scored 340 Adaptability, 240 Humor, 210 Integrity and 230 Activity!

A queen must listen to all. The highborn and the low, the strong and the weak, the noble and the venal. One voice may speak you false, but in many there is always truth to be found.

You are Daenerys Targaryen.

Also known as Daenerys Stormborn, you are the last of the "Blood of the Dragon". You have put up with a lot of difficult people in your life, but you have not let this get you down. You may not seem like it right away, but you are a natural leader. You have a great amount of love for the world, but you know how to stand up for yourself when it needs to be done. You are very open and apadtable - you enjoy learning about and experiencing different cultures. Social justice issues are especially important to you. Madness may run in your family. You are strong, compassionate, and fiery.

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